Jump-start the development process and support round-trip engineering generating Visual C ® or Visual Basic® code from your .Offers a leading modeling environment based on the industry-standard Unified Modeling Language™ (UML) 1.x, which provides a common modeling language for the team to enable the creation of quality software faster . Enables more granular management and use of models through its separately controllable model components feature .Supports Analysis, ANSI C and Visual C ® patterns, based on "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software".Features C , ANSI C , CORBA, Visual C and Visual Basic round-trip engineering and language support with configurable model-to-code synchronization. Integrates with Visual Studio® 6 (for Visual Basic 6), any SCC-compliant version control system, including IBM Rational ClearCase®, and other Rational lifecycle development tools; limited integration with Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005.Provides UML modeling for database designs through Rational Rose C , with the ability to represent the integration of data and application requirements through logical and physical designs.